Factors for Success

Staff stability, an important factor

Stability is important to us - for both pupils and parents but also for us, as a team.

We are most fortunate to have many teachers in Kindergarten and Primary, nearly 70%, who stay with Tandem IMS for more than 5 years and even 34.8% who have been with us for more than 10 years. 

The employment time of our Early Years and Pre-School Teachers (Nursery) is also high with 50% of them staying with us for more than 5 years, and thereof 16.7% for more than 10 years, stability is very much ensured. 

Employment Time for Kindergarten and Primary Teachers
Employment Time for Nursery Teachers

Time with your child matters

We support every child in reaching their highest potential and developing their learning strategies in order to prepare them for their next educational step - be it for a Swiss Gymnasium or another upper level Swiss or international school. Contact time with teachers is one of the key factors! The charts below show the hours per year a student spends with teachers. 

On the left, you see the interaction time at Kindergarten. The grey bar displays the Public Kindergarten (4 days a week) versus the two green bars representing the Tandem IMS Kindergarten (4 or 5 days a week).

On the right, the chart shows you the contact time at Primary School (4.5 or 5 days a week), again Public School compared to Tandem IMS.

Tandem IMS Kindergarten
Tandem IMS Primary School

More than one teacher in class is a great benefit

Translanguaging is a methodology for teaching languages and is strategically implemented at Tandem IMS. To ensure that this pedagogy is implemented successfully, we create a positive linguistic environment where languages are validated and, several times a week, supported by two teachers (German and English) working with the classes at the same time

You can see in the chart below that we have a 183% of qualified teaching staff per class in Kindergarten (5 days a week) and 153% in Primary School (4.5 days a week) compared to 110% at a school that follows the Typical Bilingual Model (4.5 days a week).

Tandem IMS Qualified Teaching Staff Per Class


Last Update March 2023