Tandem Blog
  • An exciting new chapter: the Tandem IMS Gymnasium

    At Tandem IMS, we pride ourselves on constantly breaking new ground in education and creating innovative opportunities for our students. Therefore, we are excited to announce the latest chapter in our educational journey  - the opening of the Tandem IMS Gymnasium (grammar school) in Küsnacht starting in August 2025. This exciting project offers a unique opportunity for language and thought enthusiasts to embark on the path to obtaining their Matura.

  • Unlocking Success: The Secrets Behind Our Pupils' Outstanding Test Results

    At our school, we take immense pride in the remarkable success of our pupils in a range of standardised tests and assessments. It is a testament to the commitment and dedication of our students, teachers, and parents, who work together to foster a culture of excellence. In this blog, we will delve into the strategies and factors that contribute to our pupils' outstanding achievements in tests across various subjects.

  • Schools and Parents – Collaborating to Best Support Children

     «…no school can work well for children if parents and teachers do not act in partnership on behalf of the children’s best interests. Parents have every right to understand what is happening to their children at school, and teachers have the responsibility to share that information without prejudicial judgment…. Such communication, which can only be in a child’s interest, is not possible without mutual trust between parent and teacher.» - Dorothy H. Cohen

  • Our new logo

    After 10 years, we have asked ourselves if our school logo still represents who we are. After taking a look at how we have grown and developed, we decided it was time for an update.

  • Happy Birthday Tandem IMS

    It is, I must admit, not without a little nostalgia that I sometimes look back on my pre-Tandem IMS days. The freedom to be a mum that no-one knew, instead of the mum everyone knows; the ability to choose my own employment opportunities, instead of choosing who to employ; being a parent who can join the PTA and go out for drinks, not the school head who joins PTA meetings to listen to the summary of discussions that were held over a nice glass of wine; being a staff member who can ask for an honest appraisal from a supervisor and be challenged to improve, and not instead, being the one delivering advice and encouragement.